Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mt. Errigal, Donegal, Ireland Postcard

Is this an awesome view or what? Everyone with mountain envy raise your hand....Anyone?...ok, maybe just me.

This is an official Postcrossing postcard, IE-21716. The back says it's the highest peak in Donegal, and is one of the most popular climbs in Ireland. I'd pass on the climbing and just settle for sitting my behind in a lawn chair to enjoy the view.

Pretty stamp.


  1. I love Irish sceneries!!!! And yes, this is a beautiful postcard indeed. :D

  2. I KNOW you do! Your jealousy just went off the charts, didn't it?! ; )

  3. This scenery makes me want to go on a picnic!

  4. My jealousy?? NEVER!!! ::wishes she has super-powers that would help her steal your Irish postcard:: :D

  5. Cari, your picnic would involve trespassing, no doubt!

    Nives, I wish I could share it with you, but half a postcard would ruin the beautiful mountain view. I'm so sorry. ; )
