Friday, March 7, 2014

Goat Tower, Findlay, Illinois

I had read about this goat tower, near Findlay, Illinois, on the internet. And I happened to be in that area this week, so I made a little detour to go see it. And I'm glad that I did!

It's on private, fenced-in property, so it's not possible to get a close-up view.

A goat tower is, basically, a fancy goat house. There are only a handful of them in the world. Goats are sure-footed and love to climb, so this is a perfect structure for them.

This one is 31 ft tall, made of 5,000 bricks and has 276 exterior spiral steps.

There are openings at various heights for the goats to enter.

During my visit, there were goats grazing nearby, but none were actually on, or in, the tower, that I could see.

Here is a picture of goats climbing their goat tower in South Africa. ( Goats in the tower by gconard. cc by-nc 2.0)


  1. This might be my most favorite of your posts! A giant playhouse for goats. These must be the most loving goat owners ever. I have a soft spot for goats. Remember when I had that recording of my husband doing his goat impression? You said it scared your dog. :) Anyway, love this find!

  2. I'm so glad you liked seeing the goat tower. :) It's a lot of fun tracking down these oddities. And, it only took 5 years and 600+ posts to finally come up with your fave. I'm exhausted!

  3. 5 years is a big commitment to odd stuff! You've earned a nap, I say.
