Tuesday, December 9, 2014

No-Bell Prize Postcard

 Honestly, I don't care if people see me standing at my mail box laughing my butt off, because that's what I did when I saw this card in last week's mail. :D

Funny and punny cards are great! I love 'em!

Thanks so much, Brenda, for surprising me with this cleverly funny and punny card! :)

Extra bonus funny stuff: I wonder if Brenda remembered that I like when stamps match the card in any kind of way, or if this was a freaky coincidence? Either way, it gets a big HA HA from me!


  1. Yes, I remembered you liked matching stamps :D

    I have fun designing cards like this. Our family has always enjoyed a good pun.

  2. Fun and funny card. Thanks, again!

  3. And thank you for the Holstein card! I like 'world's largest' .... postcards. This will be on my blog in about two moths.

  4. Oh good, I'm glad the card made it, and I'm glad that you like it. :) Looking forward to seeing it on your blog! I'm thinking it will make an appearance right here on this ol' blog pretty soon, too.

  5. This is a great card!

    If I ever send you a postcard ONeal, I guess it would have to be flag related. So it would go with my forever stamp.
