Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Big Pump

Fill 'er up! I found this giant-sized gas pump in King City, Missouri. It was built in 1937, and at that time, it was a working filling station. These days, it is on display at King City Tri County Museum.


  1. It looks as if everything's "Bigger" in Amerika! :)

  2. It looks as if everything's "Bigger" in Amerika! :)

  3. I guess it does look that way, doesn't it? :) The thing I find interesting is that a lot of these fun "big" things weren't built just now. They came about many decades ago. So, for whatever reason, the mindset of constructing "big" things developed long ago. :)

  4. What makes this look odd to me is the grass. It should have pavement for the cars to drive up on. Don't worry though O'Neal. It isn't your fault, it's the asphalt.

  5. Brenda...LOLOL Now, THAT really cracked me up!
