Monday, October 25, 2010

One More 2010 State Sign!

35 down, 15 to go!

This 2nd welcome sign is just a minute or two down the road from the first sign....just in case you forgot what state you crossed into, I guess.

All 2010 State Welcome Signs, so far.


Erika Jean said...

There sign is new, and I don't like it! lol. We've passed into Michigan from Ohio billions of times (lived in OH, grandparents in MI)

Cari said...

Hey, you were in our state. Did you wave to us?

O'Neal said...

Erika: It was a pretty drive up there. Just about the only area I've seen this fall where the leaves had vibrant colors.

Cari: Yes! I waved at you guys from Lansing, but you were too busy trying to fly tail-less kites to notice.