Thursday, September 9, 2010

Goodbye Summer of 2010

A Labor Day weekend road trip to a local lake for one last bit of summer fun.

Ready to go boatin'.

 One last swim in the lake.

One last walk on the beach.

One last roll in the grass.

One last look at the lake.

Goodbye summer. See ya next year!


Cari said...

Goodbye summer? That's the saddest thing ever. Your dog is a very happy roller. I dig that.

GG said...

Saying goodbye to summer is the happiest thing ever. That means Autumn is almost here. I know summer is not your favorite season, you are very much like me in that way. Love all the photos you posted of all the dogs on our flikr.

O'Neal said...

Cari, it's gotta go! It was oppresively hot and humid this year. Now, please stay tuned for my upcoming winter whining.

GG, yes, yes, you and your autumn-lust! It's almost here.
Really, for me, I don't care what season it long as the temperature is 60F or less!

GG said...

Ohhhhh I don't know, you like it hot some times ; ) And I do believe we both lust after the same things : )