Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sandhill Cranes In Florida

I told these silly birds to stop messing around and strike a pose for me.......

 .....and they did!


GG said...

They must have been girls since they listened. We all know guys never listen ; ) You still love me and you know it : )

O'Neal said...

Huh? What? Did you say something, GG?

Cari said...

Is it just me or is that first guy's knee bending the wrong way?

O'Neal said...

Very observant, Cari. I didn't even notice that during our photo shoot! I did a bit of googling and learned that the crane's knee does, indeed, bend the opposite of a human's knee.

Cari said...

What did people do before Goggle??

O'Neal said...

Cari said...


I also seem to remember something my parents had, perhaps it was called a set of encyclopedias? Hard to remember exactly but I know I used to copy stuff out of them then turn them in as my school reports. : )