Monday, September 20, 2010

South Carolina Railroad Museum

Located in Winnsboro, South Carolina. Closed last week, but I couldn't pass up this spur of the moment photo op.

If I were a true train enthusiast, I would really have been bummed to not be able to thoroughly explore everything on display....

....but it was cool to see a few of these old train cars up close and personal anyway.

Air conditioned!

Pullman car.

"United States Mail Railway Post Office"

I miss the caboose nowadays.... it's so anti-climatic as the tail end of a train passes by with that sensor doodad attached to the last car.


Orient Express Trips said...

I like to see ancient things very much and that is why the above post has attracted me a lot. I like to visit all the types of museums very much I wish that I can visit this Railroad Museum one day as trains are my favourite and I like to enjoy train trips and know about it very much.

O'Neal said...

Hi O.E.T., I hope you can visit the U.S some day to visit this museum, and many, many others that are throughout the country.
This particular train museum actually offers one hour train rides: