Sunday, October 10, 2010

Surprise House Guest

A recently found visitor hiding in my home.
I'm a catch-and-releaser.

A cute and cuddly possum!

Free at last!  Free at last!

Heading home.

Farewell, lil buddy.
Sniff, sniff.


Erika Jean said...

wait, her was IN your home! Ahhhh. I would have freaked out!

Cari said...

Silly possum, houses are for humans. How wonderful that you caught and released.

This is a great series of photos. The exposed teeth in the second shot makes me think he was a tad angry at first but, apparently, he got over it soon enough.

O'Neal said...

Erika: If you're brave enough to tiptoe around scorpion to find caches, you could surely relocate a possum, or any other critter, for that matter, with no problem!

Cari: Ha ha, yes, he was slightly confused about where he lived. He had some gnarly-looking teeth on him, that's for sure.