Friday, May 13, 2011

Tiny Traveling Trio

These 3 cute, little pooches were taking a travel break at a rest area on I-44 in Missouri. The one in the foreground was very friendly and pettable. The 2 further back, given the chance, would have gnawed on my ankles, I'm pretty sure.


Kendra said...

So sweet. Your ankles were not in danger :)

Cari said...

Oh no, the tiny dogs of the world are getting smarter. The first, nicer one was just a ploy to lure you in. I think you're pretty lucky to have made it out unscathed.

O'Neal said...

Kendra, oh yes, they WERE in danger! Nice surprise to see you here :)

Cari, agreed. The TDOTW got thisclose to putting another notch on their fire hydrant!

twenty said...

Oh, look these cute guys!
Did they run beside the car? Incredible!

O'Neal said...

Twenty, yes, they were all very cute, especially the one I petted. He (or she) was as friendly as could be. No, they didn't do any running, they were tied off to the outside of an RV, getting some fresh air and stretching their little legs.